Green Gables

In this series of articles we explore how you can adapt your landscaping practices to better help the environment of Coral Gables.


Jan  •  Feb


January  • February  • March  • June  •  July

transparent butterfly on milkweed-feature

Two Years of Articles and Very Hopeful

Well, I started this column in June 2019 so this is the two year mark. I have to say I’ve learned a lot writing these columns and I hope you have learned some too! I Am Feeling Very…
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Lisbon Park

A Pollinator Patch for Your Yard

Have you noticed that we live in paradise!! I am writing this March 5 and the weather is SWEET! A little breeze, blue skies, low humidity, the birds chirping away...heaven. I was just riding my bike around Country…
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Insects That Pollinate Flowers Like Bees and Butterflies Are In Trouble

Did you happen to see the Super Bowl this year? Wow,  what a game! And wow Tom Brady!! He periodically posts his NFL draft evaluation on his social media which reads: “Poor build, Skinny, lacks great physical stature…
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How About Making Your Yard an Ecological Oasis?

I am writing this January 11th and I just had the prettiest sight when I looked out my garden doors……. TWO CARDINALS AND TWO OTHER SMALLER BIRDS having a drink and a bath in the birdbath!! I love…
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Fabulous Fungi

I sure hope 2021 turns out better than 2020 and I am sure you do too!! That was one strange year……. We have talked briefly about the symbiotic relationship between trees and fungi. This month I want to…
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Experimental Pollinator Site

I am delighted to report progress on our experimental pollinator patch at the site the City had purchased to turn into a park some six years away. We have now identified 21 different species of butterflies at that…
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About the Author

Linda Lawrence Waldron

Linda Lawrence Waldron currently writes the Green Gables column in Gables Living Magazine.  Linda chaired the Coral Gables Garden Club committee that established the  Coral Gables Library Butterfly Garden.

She is the author of the Coral Gables Library Butterfly booklet. It gives you the "how to’s" for having your own butterfly garden. 
Linda attended the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, England School of Garden Design.

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