Penny Pines
The Coral Gables Garden Club supports the Penny Pines conservation project - a unique partnership between the USDA Forest Service and National Garden Club to replant national forests damaged by fire, hurricanes or other natural catastrophes. Reforestation plots are divided into 10 acre “plantations,” with a minimum reforestation donation of $68, which back in 1941 represented the 680 $1 saplings it took to plant ten acres. The price has changed, but the reference to our history continues.
These reforested areas provide soil and watershed protection, soil stabilization, future timber, and beauty and shade for recreation.
Our club’s donations go to our four National Forests in Florida, or at times, to areas of greatest need. With your personal $68 donation you have the ability to honor or memorialize a friend.
Thank you for your support!
The great French Marshall Lyautey once asked his gardener to plant a tree. The gardener objected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for 100 years. The Marshall replied, 'In that case, there is no time to lose; plant it this afternoon!