
The Coral Gables Garden Club is composed of residents of Coral Gables who have a shared interest in educating our members, our youth and the public in gardening, conservation, community beautification and the art of flower design.

Members Say…

"As a transplant from Virginia to Miami seven years ago, the Coral Gables Garden Club made the difference between the loneliness of not knowing anyone to the beginning of new friendships and a sense of belonging to the community. Things I love – like learning from world-class speakers, doing floral arranging, giving back to my community, spending time with like-minded friends and acquaintances, and a long list of other benefits – are all here for me. Above all, I treasure the friends I have made in the garden club. It is an organization of wonderful people doing wonderful things."

— Kitty Winkler

"I am proud of all the good work that the Garden Club does in the Gables. The creative force behind the George Merrick Statue in front of City Hall, the Ponce entrance to the Gables along Ponce and 8th Street, the garden created at the Merrick House, just to name a few."

— Ginger Jochem

"To be a member of the CGGC has given me the opportunity to learn about South Florida flowers, plants, trees, our endangered Coral Reefs, Biscayne Bay and the Everglades. I am filled with pride of being a member of such an accomplished group of ladies and  for the respect we receive from the community we serve and love."

— Sharon Trbovich