Green Gables

In this series of articles we explore how you can adapt your landscaping practices to better help the environment of Coral Gables.


Jan  •  Feb


January  • February  • March  • June  •  July

Designing Your Garden – Part 2

Well, I bet you like me are hoping that this overactive hurricane season misses Miami!! As I write this on Labor Day weekend, I promise you I have got my fingers and toes crossed!!   Last month we…
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Designing Your Garden – Part 1

I am writing this at the end of July and truly I think you will agree with me that this is the weirdest year we have ever been through!! The goal of Green Gables is to get everybody…
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Green Gables Soil feature August 2020

It Isn’t Just Dirt

June marked the one year anniversary of this column. We have talked about the principles of a Florida Friendly Yard like right plant/right place, fertilizing appropriately, pesticides and efficient watering. To refresh your memory go right to…
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Oleander Caterpillar

Insects – Bees, Butterflies and More

In this issue I want to talk about insects — but first a bit about plants. Nearly every creature on earth owes its existence to plants. Plants are the only organisms capable of capturing the sun’s energy and,…
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Green Gables Birds feature March 2020

Wonderful Beautiful Birds

In January issue, we talked about trees and their importance in our ecosystem. This is a good month to talk about birds since the spring migration takes place in late March through early May. Miami Is Right on…
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Green Gables All About Trees January 2020

All About Trees and How They Work

In the Beginning… In 1787, when the first settlers crossed the Ohio River to settle the Northwest Territory that had been ceded by the British after the Revolutionary War – this is what they found: We are very…
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About the Author

Linda Lawrence Waldron

Linda Lawrence Waldron currently writes the Green Gables column in Gables Living Magazine.  Linda chaired the Coral Gables Garden Club committee that established the  Coral Gables Library Butterfly Garden.

She is the author of the Coral Gables Library Butterfly booklet. It gives you the "how to’s" for having your own butterfly garden. 
Linda attended the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, England School of Garden Design.

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