Green Gables

In this series of articles we explore how you can adapt your landscaping practices to better help the environment of Coral Gables.


Jan  •  Feb


January  • February  • March  • June  •  July

Energy Efficiency and More…

I’m writing this a week after Memorial Day and we just had our first rain (luckily not wind) event of the season—13 inches of rain in Miami in 24 hours over the weekend. It’s amazing how 90% of…
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Conversations about Education and an Ecological Oasis

You know I am convinced that a lot of the answer to global warming is education. I was at my dentists today and he said to me, “Are you the lady who does that column?” I said yes…
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A Big Shout Out to the City Of Coral Gables and its Mayor

I’m writing this at the beginning of March—it is such a lovely time of year!! This year the mango tree is just covered with blooms—yum—lots of mangos come June. The orchids in the trees are blooming too. And…
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Butterfly wing closeup Green Gables March 2022 feature image

Connect to Protect

I do like living in South Florida!! It’s early February and I step out into my yard and I see an orchid plant I took outside after it bloomed in the living room with 3 new spikes and…
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Coral Gables Farmers Markets, Red Mangrove Project, and More…

I’m writing this the first week in January, in the middle of another covid surge. I guess there’s no predicting what comes next, but when the thing eventually dies down again I sure plan to get out and…
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Pine Rockland Forest feature image

Biodiversity and Conservation

How can it be December? The year has just sped by! The best thing about now, unlike this time last year or this summer, is that Covid is down and you can get out and enjoy events. Biodiversity…
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About the Author

Linda Lawrence Waldron

Linda Lawrence Waldron currently writes the Green Gables column in Gables Living Magazine.  Linda chaired the Coral Gables Garden Club committee that established the  Coral Gables Library Butterfly Garden.

She is the author of the Coral Gables Library Butterfly booklet. It gives you the "how to’s" for having your own butterfly garden. 
Linda attended the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, England School of Garden Design.

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