Floral Design Workshops

This 98th season of the garden club, we will be holding a small standard show in April 2023. Iin 2022 our focus for our workshops is teaching all of our members what is entailed to enter a flower show.

Our dynamic member Sharon Trbovich , award-winning floral designer, past president, and past district director is holding workshops along with other experts on the rules, preparation, and definition of the classes for a small standard floral show.

Sharon discussing tools of the trade.
A packed house taking notes for the upcoming flower show.

Garden Club members enjoy monthly workshops taught by guest designers, expert members and our very own "Petal Pushers". Members showcase their designs at our annual Home and Garden Tour, monthly flower shows and the Miami Metropolitan Flower Show.

Judy Mangasarian's painting by Columbian painter Cesar Romero. Title translation from Spanish to English: A woman of color contemplating her place in the universe.
Interpretive design workshop by Sandy Milledge.  Sandy used the Cesar Romero painting(to the right) to demonstrate an "Art in Bloom"  floral design. Members can view video when the log in.
Donna Box with Sandy Milledge giving a leaf manipulation workshop

Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.

– Pablo Picasso
Master Gardener and Floral Judge Donna Box
Design by Sharon Trbovich, Past President
Sherry Jordan Getting ready for a MMFS
Suzuyo Fox at MMFS
Carmen Cason at MMFS