The Hothouse Blog
Learn from the observations and musings of local contributing writers on a variety of current environmental, conservation and gardening subjects.

November 1, 2022
Active coral restoration efforts are expanding as the state of coral reefs continues to decline in South Florida. In the past two decades, coral restoration practitioners have implemented both engineered and ecological approaches to combat these losses, such…
Ever dream of being a marine biologist? Well, the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School’s “Rescue a Reef” program is a citizen science project that offers everyday individuals the opportunity to be marine scientists for an afternoon, working…
The field of active coral reef restoration has grown exponentially in the last 15 years and Florida has been the epicenter for the development of the last wave of reef restoration activities. In fact, many of the methods…
Gardens have always inspired scientists to understand how nature works. The British naturalist Charles Darwin conducted many detailed observations and experiments on how natural selection works in his garden in the Down House in England. In one of…
The world of garden roses is a wonderfully diverse horticultural playground. In the most general sense, all roses are woody-stemmed perennial shrubs – but thanks to centuries of breeding, they now range in size from miniatures less than…
I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and had a great holiday season! Now that you know that we are "gardening" corals to be used for reef restoration, it is time to take a small step…