Merrick House Heritage Garden

November 13th, Planting Day


The Spade Brigade had a good turnout for the November 13th workday at the Merrick House Heritage Garden.  Pictured from left to right: Many thanks to friend of the garden and neighbor, Maria Teofilo, Evelyn Budde,  Victoria Cabeza, and Paula Biehler, for their help in some light weeding, trimming and planting a few new items in the garden beds (we now have lavender!). A genuine big thank you goes out to Evelyn Budde’s son Andrew for bringing chairs and snacks.

 We also enjoyed some delicious shortbread cookies, demonstrating just one of many ways to use rosemary (recipes included on our resource page under links). I chose not to dip the cookies in the chocolate included in this recipe. - Paula


Fall 2021 Planting Cycle

Saturday, October 9th, was a fabulous day to refresh the garden.  The rain was a bit of a threat early in the morning but stopped just in time for our gathering.  Thanks to our Spade Brigade and new Committee co-chairs  Paula Biehler and Sherri Puerto, we divided lemongrass and planted Sisso Spinach cuttings all around the beds' perimeter. We also planted a variety of kitchen and medicinal herbs and mulched the entire area.  A few rose bushes were blooming, which added a nice spot of color in the predominantly green beds. A special guest arrived on the Natchitoches Noisette pink rose, which delighted everyone.   Thanks to the ladies who came out: Victoria Cabeza,  Marci Montgomery, Jodie Zaban, Maria Gonzalez, Susan Rodriguez, and a special friend to the garden, neighbor Maria Teofilo.

Winter  2021 Planting Cycle

The morning of Thursday, February 11th was a glorious time to plant Althea's Garden and the raised bed Heritage Garden at the Merrick House. We gathered with the City's landscaping crew, headed by Hannibal Thompson, landscape planner Valeria Quintanilla, and the Merrick House's docent coordinator, Colette Worm, to transform several planting beds, exhausted from the pandemic and in need of TLC.

These gardens are a testament to the value of partnerships. The City, through the coordination of Landscape Superintendent Bob Boberman provided their vital work crew (yes, we ladies showed up without gloves or trowels, just juice and donuts and big smiles).  The City brought herbs for the Heritage Garden too. Thank you Bob!
Our club purchased an assortment of plants and herbs. Valeria skillfully arranged the South Florida perennials so that Althea's garden can inspire visitors with good choices for their gardens. Six spaces were reserved to accept six lovely rose bushes arriving soon and compliments of the Tropical Rose Society. Two of these bushes will be planted close to our statue of Althea, with her basket of roses by her side. If only she could stand up and snip a few living ones!  And finally, the whole area will be swathed with the lively color of caladiums donated by Florida Boys Caladiums of Lake Placid, Florida. 
Come visit our gardens -a serene place to linger and a beautiful partnership.

Fall 2020 Planting Cycle

The city of Coral Gables graciously donated plants for the Fall 2020 planting cycle, which were herbs.   Basil, Parsley, and mint in addition to Italian and Cuban Oregano were planted.

The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway.

– Michael Pollan

The Garden Club funded the construction of the Heritage Garden at the Historic Coral Gables Merrick House in 2011 and continues to tend the garden and educate volunteers on the best practices for organic herb and vegetable gardening.  Merrick House Museum and gardens  are located at 907 Coral Way, Coral Gables, Florida 33134