Tag Archives: biodiversity

Conversations about Education and an Ecological Oasis

You know I am convinced that a lot of the answer to global warming is education. I was at my dentists today and…
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City of Coral Gables to Install a Pollinator Patch

GOOD NEWS!!! If you have been reading these columns, you know that I have been asking the City to install a POLLINATOR PATCH…
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Diversity Makes the Environment More Stable

I hope you are all enjoying this summer! I’ve just been feeling so lucky to live in this green lush environment. We’ve been…
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How About Making Your Yard an Ecological Oasis?

I am writing this January 11th and I just had the prettiest sight when I looked out my garden doors……. TWO CARDINALS AND…
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Fabulous Fungi

I sure hope 2021 turns out better than 2020 and I am sure you do too!! That was one strange year……. We have…
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